Thursday, February 03, 2005

An update?!?!

So, since Alice said that my blog lacks a tagboard (perhaps in a sense that a huge house lacks a woman..?), I will put one there.


When I'm free.


Sometime later.

Next Month.

Next year.


As far as I care, THERE IS NO TAGBOARD!

Fine, I'm an lazy sloth who don't want to do a bit more coding. Heck, I am actually using their crappy template that makes my school's website look GREAT and OUTSTANDING.

One day, perhaps.

Until then....


In any case, I'm pissed. My essay was marked down for all the wrong reasons. I was not expecting anything more then a 22.5 (it was that kind of crap essay). Yet, it got a 26 when I'm sure any other teacher would have flunked me to hell and back. Then, of all the wrong reasons, I got marked down (Cold war is not relevent in a war essay? O_O. You learn something new everyday, I guess.)

Also, this is hopefully the last time I will sit in the front row. The rackus those guys make at the back can make a battlefield sound like some kind of deserted wasteland. However, it is actually fun to sit in front, as for some reason, you get to hear the witty comments from the back. I was laughing my ass off as the two tans were slugging it out with their words.



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